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Current Status - Sprint00

    #### (15.01.2024-26.01.2024)

Sprint00 - Week01

    #### Working Date: 15.01.2024 and 19.01.2024
    #### Working Hours: 14h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: 
                  V1-ziyu zhang-1.19.2024
                  V2-aaro kolu-01.20.2024

Weekly Achievements:

  1. Team is created.
    This week marks the commencement of Future Factory, and our group has been assembled according to the lecturer's arrangements based on everyone's working interests and specialties, which were reported in the questionnaires we filled out prior to this week. The group consists of six students, all in their second year studying ICT.

  2. Knowing each other.
    During our first meeting, we took the opportunity to introduce ourselves, sharing details about our pets, sports, hobbies, and any relevant working experiences. This icebreaker session helped us get to know each other better.

  3. Overview of the group work.
    Following the introductions, the group leader provided a brief overview of the tasks for the week. These tasks include filling out the group member table on Labranet, providing information on the website, creating issues and sprints, and compiling useful links for efficient collaboration in the future. Various group members enthusiastically volunteered for specific tasks based on their preferences and skills.

Identified challenges:

  1. working locations.
    Among the topics discussed during our meeting was the choice of working locations. Some members expressed interest in meeting in person to work together, while others preferred remote collaboration. As of now, the final decision on the working location has not been made.

  2. working time.
    The group then discussed and proposed individual working time for each member, considering that Future Factory is a 10-credit course. As per the JAMK's study requirements, 1 credit corresponds to 27 hours of studyingtime. Therefore, the total working hours for this course amount to 270 hours for the project. With a total duration of 3.5 months, equivalent to 14 weeks, the weekly working hours are calculated as 270/14. Given that each week involves 14 hours of lecturing or group time, each member is expected to allocate 5.28 hours for self-working time.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. address concerns about experience gaps

  2. enhance our understanding of the course structure and upcoming projects in the coming weeks.


Our first week at Future Factory laid a strong foundation. Icebreakers built positive team dynamics. Tasks were delegated with enthusiasm, though challenges in choosing working locations remain. Clear guidelines for individual working time were set. We're focused on addressing experience gaps and understanding course structures. Ready to tackle challenges and grow together in the coming weeks.

Sprint00 - Week02

    #### Working Date: 22.01.2024 and 26.01.2024
    #### Working Hours: 14h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: V1-aaro kolu-01.26.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Team information is set.
    The team recently underwent significant updates, rebranding from "Cats and Dogs" to the concise "Ca&Do," complemented by the new slogan 'Catching by Doing.' A notable transformation was seen in the team introduction page

  2. The project is introduced.
    The introduction to the Tukko project and collaboration with Combitech made a substantial impact this week.

  3. Materials of Tukko are provided.
    The team has acquired materials related to the Tukko project and received instructions for the CSC Virtual Machine platform.Tukko, a project initiated by IoTitude in WIMMA Lab 2023, focuses on visualizing traffic, as assigned by Combitech. It utilizes data from the digitraffic API, enhancing it by consolidating scattered information from multiple endpoints into a simpler API. Tukko also aims to gather data in the long term. The team has introduced new tasks, necessitating members to familiarize themselves with various platforms and libraries crucial for the project.

  4. 15 issues in Sprint0 are closed.
    The team collectively addressed issues from the past week, discussing their completion and deciding whether they could be moved to the closing block. All issues in Sprint 00 were successfully and thoroughly completed 15 issues were closed, including voting a team leader, an administrator and so on.

  5. CSC, VM are set successfully.
    The administrator successfully built a VM, starting by registering an account on the CSC platform, a non-profit national enterprise providing servers to educational institutions in Finland. The cPouta service on CSC was selected, and the VM was successfully built.

Identified challenges:

  1. The team logo is still pending.

  2. Non-active group work. While some team members are still adjusting to punctuality for meetings, there is a noticeable improvement in active participation and dedication during team discussions. Everyone is gradually adapting to their roles.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. The team is poised to progress further in their project.

  2. Ready to start Sprint01


The team has undergone a significant rebranding, transforming into "Ca&Do" with the catchy slogan 'Catching by Doing.' This reflects a dynamic shift, evident in the updated team introduction page.Introduction to the Tukko project, collaboration with Combitech, and the acquisition of project materials marked a substantial impact this week. The closure of 15 issues in Sprint0 showcased the team's effectiveness and commitment to task completion.Despite challenges, such as pending logo design and adjusting to punctuality for meetings, the team is adapting well. The successful setup of CSC Virtual Machine and the readiness to commence Sprint01 highlight the team's preparedness and enthusiasm for the upcoming phases of the Tukko project.