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Current Status - Sprint01

    #### (29.01.2024-09.02.2024)

Sprint01- Week01

    #### Working Date: 29.01.2024 and 09.02.2024
    #### Working Hours: 14h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: 
                  V1-ziyu zhang-01.29.2024
                  V2-ziyu zhang-01.31.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Features are introduced.
    In the Monday's meeting,the corporate company introduced a set of 60 features that they hope us will achieve.The features are categorized into six epics: a. user interface and accessibility b.Data analysis and Export c. Nordic scalability d. Security and Authentication e. Infrastructure and performance.

  2. Features are picked.
    During the meeting, team members were encouraged to express their preferences by selecting 2-3 features each. The retionale behind this approach is that personal interest can serve as a strong motivator, leading to better outcomes. The team believes that individuals work on features they find interesting, they are more likely to excel in their completion. However, some team members have expressed a preference for the group leader to allocate features on their behalf, as they may not be familiar with all the listed features. This approach ensures that each team membber is assigned features aligend with their skills and expertise. By combining both approaches, we aim to strike a balance between personal interest and effective feature allocation. This way, each team member can contribute optimally to the success of the project.

  3. Documentations are allocated.
    The team is divided into 3 sub-groups. Each sub-group is composed by 2 students. They collabrate to complete the documentaion assigned to them. The team decides to complete project plan, Requirement Specification, communication plan, risk management, and definition of done in 20 days (22.02.2023).

Identified challenges:

  1. Average working time on each feature is unsure.
    It became apparent that the initial goal of implementing 15 features might be overly ambitious.

  2. Are 15 features too many?
    This concern prompted a team-wide conversation on Discord later that night. A member shared insights from a discussion with a classmate, stating,"I just talked to a classmate in another group, and it got me thinking. We have a total of three months - Feb, March, and April, which equates to 12 weeks. With 15 features on our plate, each feature would have only around 0.8 weeks for implementation. Considering the substantial documentation work ahead, is the plan too ambitious? "

FEA106 Improve dark mode colors (US045) P1
FEA102 Securely authenƟcate user accounts (US002, US004) P1
FEA201 Export data to csv from the database (US003) P2
FEA204 Count average traffic in chosen area (US011) P1
EPIC 03 (EP03) Nordic Scalability
FEA302 Traffic situaƟon in Sweden (US053) P3
FEA303 Traffic situaƟon in Norway (US054) P3
FEA304 LocalizaƟon for Swedish (US58) P3
FEA407 Control access to the server (US057) P2
FEA403 Regularly scan for known security vulnerabiliƟes (US017) P1
FEA505 Configure scalable and resilient infrastructure using containerizaƟon (US027) P1
FEA506 Implement automated build and deployment pipeline (US029) P2
FEA503 Implement logging and error tracking mechanisms (US024) P3
FEA517 Maintainable DocumentaƟon (US061) P1
FEA515 Automate tests for frontend and backend code (US038, US039, US040) P1
FEA516 Manual TesƟng (US060) P1

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Prioritizing the picked features.
    Recognizing the potential challenge, another member suggested, "perhaps we should prioritize which features are the most crucial to implement first or determine the optimal development sequence. We need a strategy to ensure that we use our time wisely." However, due to the asynchronous nature of the discussion and the absence of some team members on Discord that night, it was decided to reconvene on Friday for a comprehensice team discussion. The agenda for the upcoming meeting includes deliberations on how to prioritize fratures, distribute tasks among team members, and efficiently manage both feature development and documentation.

  2. Completing the documentations.


In this week, the team mainly focuses on completing documentations.

Sprint01- Week02

    #### Working Date: 05.02.2024 and 09.02.2024
    #### Working Hours: 20h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: 
                  V1-ziyu zhang-02.09.2024
                  V2-ziyu zhang-02.10.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Installation Issues
    Participants: group leader,operalist, generalist Main discussion: During the meeting, the team addressed critical installation issues. The generalist shared insights into his installation process, highlighting challenges encountered. It was identified that the group lacked the necessary permissions to enable GitLab shared runners for the group. To resolce this, the team decided that seeking assistance from the project owner or product owners would be the most effective course of action.

  2. Group-site Issues
    Participants: developer, leader A discussion ensued regarding the enhancement of the group website. Proposed changes included modifying the background color and incorporating the group logo. The team collectively decided on these visual improvements to enhanve the overall user experience.

  3. Documentation Issues
    Participants: all To streamline documentation efforts, sub-teams were formed, each is responsible for specific aspects. During the meeting, each sub-group privded updates on their progress and reported challenges faced. This approach ensures a more focused and efficient resolution of documentation issues by addressing them within dedicated sub-teams.

Identified Challenges:

  1. Installations - Seeking Extra Help:
    The team identified challenges related to installations, specifically the lack of high-level permissions rights required to enable GitLab projects. Recognizing the need for additional support, it was agreed upon during the meeting to reach out to relevant stakeholders who posses the necessary permissions. This proactive approach aims to expedite the resolution of installation issues and ensure the team can proceed smoothly with their tasks.

  2. Documentiation Workload - Addressing Stress leverl:
    Acjnowledging the overwhelming workload associated with documentation, team members expressed concerns about elevated stress levels. In response, the group discussed potential strategies to manage and distribute the documentation workload more efficiently. This included exploring ways to streamline processes, delegate tasks based on expertise, and possibly reevaluate priorities to ensure a balancced and sustainable workload for all team members. The goal is to foster a supportive environment that promotes productivity while mmitigating stress-related challenges associated with the documentation tasks.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Completing the documentation

  2. Testing issue is going to be discussed

  3. Sprint02 is going to be done

  4. Work towards finishing documentation before customer review.


  1. Documentation work has been started slowly. Although there is no hurry yet, but at the moment there is an imbalance with work regarding documentation.It is early days and probably still some confusion going around what is actually to be done and in what time frame.

  2. Efforts have been made to ensure that everyone is on the same page and if there is any confusion, they are solved in a meeting or in personal meetings.

Sprint 01 - Conclusion

    #### Edition:
                  V1-aaro kolu-02.09.2024

This concludes Sprint 01. Lot has happened during the two weeks, new issues were given with a lot of effort needed to complete them, our features were selected and some concerns within the team got shared and informed. Groups were made in a team to share the work load efficiently.
Our OPS has done amazing work. Servers are somewhat working, but there are still some issues to be solved.