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Current Status - Sprint02

    #### (02.12.2024-02.23.2024)

Sprint02- Week01

    #### Working Date: 02.12.2024 and 02.16.2024
    #### Working Hours: 20h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: 
                  V1-ziyu zhang-02.12.2024
                  V2-ziyu zhang-02.16.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Documents of features are allocated.
    The team allocated 15 features to different group members during a meeting. Each member is responsible for editing the corresponding documentation.

  2. The working progress is reported.
    In a collaborative effort to ensure smooth teamwork, each group member reported their progress during a meeting.

  3. Evaluation of current feelings.
    The group leader organized an activity where members used a 1-5 scale to reflect their feelings about the work. The average score was 4, indicating that most group members are satisfied with their current status.

  4. Developer meeting.
    Developers, generalists, and the team leader participated in a developer meeting. Following a public lecture, the developer team engaged in a constructive dialogue to exchange opinions, feelings, and thoughts. Members recognized a gap between university learning and real-world business practices. One member shared that their previous perception of the ICT field focused on coding and technical aspects, but the lecture revealed the importance of communication and collaboration with customers. However, members expressed a desire for more in-depth technical discussions to guide their current project.

  5. Feature Designing is started.
    The team leader initiates the design of the first feature on Mockup. Their enthusiasm and dedication to the task are evident in their approach.

Identified challenges:

  1. Slow progress in documentation.
    Despite the completion of sprint01, there is outstanding work, particularly in completing all the necessary documentations.

  2. Not familiar with the skills and how to do Turkku development.
    A team member expressed concerns about lacking familiarity with Turkku development. While having a theoretical understanding of how different tools work, the member feels confused when delving deeper into Turkku development. The team leader clarified that Turkku development involves two main courses: designing and implementing. Designing can be executed on a mockup, while implementing involves coding with technologies like React and Node.js. The team leader suggested that the member delve into Turkku's workflow and examine their codebase to gain a deeper understanding.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Speed up the doscumentation.

The deadline of the most done documentation is 22.02.2024. Mmbers speed up their process.

  1. Starting designing features.

  2. Learning the skillful knowledge for the project.


The team has identified challenges in the form of slow progress in documentation following the completion of sprint01. Additionally, there is a recognized lack of familiarity with Turkku development skills among team members. To address the latter issue, a team member discussed their confusion with the team leader, who provided guidance on the two main aspects of Turkku development: designing and implementing. The team leader recommended a deeper exploration of Turkku's workflow and codebase to enhance understanding. Overall, there is a need for focused efforts to overcome these challenges and ensure a smoother workflow in the ongoing project.

Sprint02- Week02

    #### Working Date: 19.02.2024 and 23.02.2024
    #### Working Hours: 14h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Edition: 
                  V1-ziyu zhang-02.19.2024
                  V2-aaro kolu-02.23.2024
                  V3-ziyu zhang-02.23.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Completing Test Cases.
    Team members documented their individually-assigned features in the future template. Assigned the task of completing test cases to enhance overall understanding of the future implementation process.

  2. Preparing for the customer review.
    Identified representatives for customer interaction, selecting the team leader and administrator. Team leader focused on overall issues, and administrators on architectural features. Designed other members as back-end supporters to complement representatives efforts.

  3. Reflecting suggestions from the customer review.
    Presented work in the customer meeting and received suggestions from professional experts. Held a post-review meeting to discuss and incorporate suggestions into the group's work. Explored sharing learning materials with other groups and strategies for progressive groupwork.

  4. Planning group collaboration.
    Discussed collaboration for designing and implementing features in Sprint03. Considered individual feature design and coding with assistance from developers, testers, and security experts. Decided to finalize the plan after further discussion with the absent developer post-winter holiday.

Identified challenges

  1. Lacking of experiences of implementing features.
    The group strongly expresses their worries of how to implement the features, very confusing about the working flow for the whole process.

  2. Lacking of knowledge to implement features.
    The group realizes that there are a lot of things to learn for implementating the features.

  3. Collaborating with each other.
    The group plans to discuss how to collaborate each others when developing features after the winter holiday.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Finishing Sprint 02.
    The group plans to finish sprint02 before week03.

  2. Going through the issues.
    The group plans to go through all the tickts of issues of sprint02.

  3. Starting the Sprint03.
    The group plans to start Sprint03.


In conclusion, the recent team meeting highlighted achievements such as completing test cases, preparing for the customer review, and reflecting on suggestions for improvement. The team demonstrated a proactive approach to collaboration and learning from customer feedback. However, challenges were identified, including a lack of experience and knowledge in implementing features. The team plans to address these issues post-winter holiday through discussions on collaboration strategies. Looking ahead, the team outlined tasks for finishing Sprint 02, addressing issues, and starting Sprint 03, showcasing a commitment to meeting deadlines. Overall, the meeting set a positive tone for ongoing progress and success in the project.

Sprint 02 - Conclusion

    #### Edition: 
                  V1-aaro kolu-02.23.2024
                  V2-ziyu zhang-02.23.2024

In summary, Sprint 02 brought forth achievements in feature allocation, progress reporting, and team cohesion. However, challenges are faced liked a recognized lack of Turkku development skills among team members. The team responded proactively by seeking guidance from the outside resources, aiming to bridge the knowledge gap through a deeper exploration of Turkku's workflow and codebase. Despite these challenges, the team remains determined, focusing on expediting documentation, acquiring essential skills, and gearing up for Sprint03. The lessons learned in Week 02 position the team for a more streamlined workflow and successful project execution in the upcoming phases.