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Current Status - Sprint03

    #### (03.04.2024-03.08.2024)

Sprint03- Week01

    #### Working Date: 03.04.2024 and 03.08.2024
    #### Working Hours: XXh (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Editor: 

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Roodmap is reviewed.
    On Monday, the team conducted a thorough review of the roadmap to select prioritized features for implementation during Sprint03.

  2. New documentations are allocated.
    The team allocated members new documentations to edit, including features' documentations, testing documentations and architecture documentations. ALl these documentations are going to be finished within this week.

  3. Branching and merging discussions.
    The team discussed how to merge changes and where to merge changes. The team has different opinions about it. Someone think it is nice to build three layers of branching (feature branch; product branch; and release branch). In the feature branch, everyone merges their feature to it and automatically tests their changes; when their testing is passing, they could merge their changes to the product branch. In the product branch, all the changes from groupers are merged, so the integration of their changes are tested. At last, all the tested changes could be merged to the release branch. But others think it is better to test the changes locally then merge to the gitlab repository. At last,the team decided to discuss it next time.

  4. Developer Meeting.
    Developer, Leader, and generalist participated the developer meeting.

Identified challenges:

  1. Features documentations are done.

  2. CI/CD configurations are done.

  3. Branching and merging issues.

  4. Starting implementations of features.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. CI/CD configurations is done.

  2. All the documentations of the features are finished.

  3. Members start learning React.js, Node.js, MongoDB.

  4. Implementation of selected features.

  5. For testing of implementated features, both automatically and munally testing methodology are utilised.


This sprint prepares for the feature implementation.

Sprint 03 - Conclusion

This sprint prepares for the feature implementation. The CI/CD of Gitlab is built up.