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Current Status - Sprint04

    #### (11.03.2024-22.03.2024)

Sprint04- Week01

    #### Working Date: 11.03.2024 and 15.03.2024
    #### Working Hours: 20h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Working Agenda: Finishing documentation and starting impelemntation
    #### Editor: 
                V1-Aaro Kolu-15.03.2024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Monday meeting was very quiet and not that productive. Partly because the team leader was sick. One of the members forgot their laptop at home, and there were some hospital visits. These issues significantly reduced the efficiency of our team. After mornining meeting Team leader diccussed some of the issues with in the team, they agreed to meet up again on friday when whole team was available.

  2. Narsu came to visit our meeting, it was longest meeting thus far from our team. In the meeting we talked about our features, testing, user stories, what reality is, how individuals with in the team are feeling and our branching strategies were talked as well. After narsu left the meeting team continued talking about testing and features we should focus on.

Identified challenges:

  1. Too much work done for the documentation. Reducing it to near 0 following sprints and sift the focus more towards implementing.

  2. More team work should be established. Team leader style has been more individual focus, but should be sifted more towards team work.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Implementation on few selected features

  2. More implementation. Less documentation, sift focus towards developing.


First week was slow progress. Narsu came in to help our team to shift it in the right direction and those issues were discussed within the team. Features were readuced after realisation that there is not enough skills or time to complete them.

Sprint04- Week02

    #### Working Date: 18.03.2024 and 22.03.2024
    #### Working Hours: 20h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Working Agenda: Impelemntation is in progress
    #### Editor: 

Meeting Achievements:

Local architecture has been built. Inplementations of feature are in progress.

  1. Local architecture has been built.
    Feature group has successfully built local architecture. There are three different methods they use. The first way works with visual machine (pete, aaro), the second way works with Visual Studio with installed docker (ziyu); the third method is docker installation (sanni). The local architecture helps developing group deploy, and check their codings' performance on the web application.

  2. Implementation is in progress.
    One implementation has been done (aarp). And there are 4 other features are in progress (aaro, pete, sanni, ziyu).

  3. Testing is prepared.
    Tester is suggested to start building her local architecture and prepare for the upcoming testing.

Identified challenges:

  1. There are still many new things to learn.
    As the study goes deeper, some members realise that there are still many new things to learn.

  2. Frontend-Backend interactions.
    To clearly understnad the logic of the framework of Tukko project is identified as a challenge.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Continue the implementation
    The group focuses on implementation in this sprint and plans to release some features at the end of this sprint.

  2. Start testing
    As some features are implemented, testing progress starts. The group will discuss more with tester her working flow and planning.

Conclusion Implementation is in progress, and testing starts soon.

Sprint 04 - Conclusion