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Current Status - Sprint05

    #### (25.03.2024-05.04.2024)

Sprint05- Week01

    #### Working Date: 25.03.2024 and 05.04.2024
    #### Working Hours: 15h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Working recorder: v1 | ziyu | 04052024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. 3 features are implemented.
    3 features are implemented during this sprint. Be proud of them!

  2. 3 implemented features are going to be tested.
    Testing starts. The team decides that developers give some instructions to testers, in order to help testers understand their designing logic.

  3. some features are still in implementing.
    There are other features in implementation.

  4. Preparing for the Demo Day.
    The group decides to do some preparation for the customer reviewing. Videos of the implemented features are made.

Identified challenges:

  1. Testing
    It is a challenge for tester to understand different features since the test case of each feature was designed by the developers. The group suggests developers gave an instruction to the tester so that tester is familiar with the feature. The communication and collaboration between tester and developers are needed.

  2. implementation
    There are still some features left to deploy.

  3. Demo Day
    Preparing for the demo day.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Testing

  2. implementation

  3. Release

Conclusion The group has made progress.

Sprint 05 - Conclusion