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Current Status - Sprint06

    #### (04.18.2024-04.19.2024)

Sprint06- Week01

    #### Working Date: 04.08.2024 and 04.12.2024
    #### Working Hours: 14h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Working recorder: v1-ziyu-04152024

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Feature implementation is reported.
    Group members reported their progress in deature implementation.

  2. Demo day is prepared.
    Group started preparing for the demo day.

Identified challenges:

  1. Some features meet challenges in implementations.

  2. Less time is left.

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Continue deploy features

  2. Demo and presentation

Conclusion Good Luck for the demo day.

Sprint06- Week02

    #### Working Date: 15.04.2024 and 19.04.2024
    #### Working Hours: 20h (luctures and group meetings)
    #### Working Agenda

Meeting Achievements:

  1. Monday was reserved for demo day. We seperated team with 3 Sanni, Pete and Aaro Presenting our team, while Ziyu, Son, Jiahui as visitors

  2. Meetings with other teams went well. Our team vistited teams T07 and T05. Feedback was given to them and some got to test the feature other teams had developed. Bugs were found!

  3. Our own presentation was soomth. Sanni made her own presentation for her own feature while Pete who did not have enough time to make one spoke about the feature. While Aaro was lead on the meeting. Each team visit lasted about 30mins.

Identified challenges:

  1. Less time

Upcoming Tasks

  1. Everyone works on their daily diary.

  2. Work will be started with end of project report.


Week was hevily focused on presentations and leaving good image to other teams. Friday was quite because some where working and some got sick. So we decided to work on our own diaries.

Sprint 06 - Conclusion

Sprint 06 was mainly preparing features for demo and preparing presentation for the demo day. Some challenges made progress, but work should still be done towards features. Sadly limeted time is left and sifting focus to finish documentation has been made.

After this sprint there will be less time to work on the features and more focus towards the end report.