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Definition of Done

Objective: The purpose of this document is to establish clear criteria for determining when a task or feature is considered complete.

Criteria for Done:

  1. Code Implementation: - [ ] Code is implemented according to the specifications provided. - [ ] Code is reviewed by at least one other team member for quality and adherence to coding standards. - [ ] Code is merged into the appropriate branch in version control.

  2. Testing: - [ ] Unit tests are written and executed to ensure code functionality. - [ ] Integration tests are conducted to verify interactions between components. - [ ] Regression tests are performed to ensure existing functionality is not impacted.

  3. Quality Assurance: - [ ] User acceptance testing (UAT) is completed and approved by stakeholders. - [ ] Bugs and issues identified during testing are addressed and resolved.

  4. Documentation: - [ ] Technical documentation is updated to reflect any changes made. - [ ] User documentation is created or updated to guide users on how to use the feature.

  5. Deployment: - [ ] Feature is deployed to the appropriate environment. - [ ] Configuration settings are updated as necessary for deployment.

  6. Review: - [ ] Code changes, tests, and documentation are reviewed together as a team. - [ ] Stakeholders are informed about the completion of the feature or task.