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Project plan

Document Project Plan
Author (1-3): Aaro Kolu
Author (4-6): ziyu zhang
Version: 9 th
Date: 2.12.24

1. Assignment

1.1 background and starting points

In WIMMA Lab 2023 team IoTitude's main assignment for the summer was a project commissioned by Combitech Oy. IoTitude developed an open-source service called Tukko - Traffic Visualizer, which utilizes public traffic APIs, particularly Digitraffic. This service provides data visualizations on a map, allowing users to select vehicle types and various timescales.

Our team is going to add more features on it. The corporate company introduced a set of 60 features that they hope us will achieve.The features are categorized into six epics:

  1. user interface and accessibility

  2. Data analysis and Export

  3. Nordic scalability

  4. Security and Authentication

  5. Infrastructure and performance.

1.2 Goals and tasks

The primary objective of the project is to gain practical experience in a project environment by developing software and
acquiring proficiency in various tools, programs, and libraries. Building upon the foundation of the previous project, Tukko,
our focus is on enhancing it through the following key objectives:

  1. Enhanced User Interface:
    • Introduce user account creation functionality to improve user interaction.
    • Enhance the visual appeal by refining the project's color scheme.

  2. Expansion and Localization:
    • Scale the project to encompass regions beyond its current scope, including Sweden and Norway.
    • Provide language localization support, particularly Swedish translation, for broader accessibility.

  3. Security Strengthening:
    • Implement stringent measures to control server access and limit potential vulnerabilities.
  4. Infrastructure and Performance Improvements:
    • Enhance overall infrastructure for better scalability, reliability, and performance.
  5. Testing Integration:
    • Integrate comprehensive testing strategies, potentially automating backend and frontend testing processes.
  6. Data Analysis Tools:
    • Additional tools for efficient data analysis and insights generation.

The client for this project is Combitech Oy. Throughout the project duration, our team will collaborate with a Scrum Master,
peer coaches, and project owner to provide guidance and support as needed.

1.3 Limitations and interfaces

Time Constraints:
The available time for the Tukko project is limited due to team members' concurrent involvement in other courses and commitments.
This constraint poses challenges in achieving all desired features within the given timeframe.

Skill Levels:
The team's proficiency with various libraries and web development is currently limited. This may impact the overall quality and final outcome of the project.
Identifying and addressing skill gaps will be a crucial consideration throughout the development process.

Communication Constraints:
Communication constraints in software development can significantly impact the efficiency and effectiveness of a project. These constraints may arise from various sources and can manifest in different forms.

1.4 Rights and IPR

The project's rights and intellectual property (IRP) are managed under the project agreement.
If not detailed in a separate arrangement, the project's rights will follow the terms laid out in the project plan.

1.5 terms and definitions

There are no specific terms or definitions unique to the team. Any potential confusion regarding terminology will be addressed and clarified as needed during team discussions and communication


Team members are motivated and ready to work to accomplish a common goal. That goal being to complete the project within our own capabilities. Each member of the team has their own interest, experience and strengths. Those interest and skills will be assigned to corresponding tasks.


In some areas of the project, we have lack of experience and skills to accommodate the need to complete the project with the highest possible quality. The lack of experience might be seen in less features as promised, or the quality of the feature might not be what is expected.

Members in the team have other commitments and courses during the project. Which reduces the time used towards the project. This maybe seen in feature quality and number of features developed within the period.


External support for the team is consistently well-organized and readily accessible, providing an excellent opportunity to learn teamwork within a software development environment.


There are 23 teams in this Future factory course. These teams are not necessarily a threat to project, but because we are competitive. We want our project to standout compared to other teams.

Project progress might suffer if one of team members becomes ill or stops communicating. And poorly distributing tasks among team members may lead to burnout for some individuals.

1.6.1 Evaluation


Team has high motivation to collaborate towards completing the project within team’s own capabilities. Each member of the team brings unique skill set and interests, allowing for efficient task allocation based on individual skills and preferences.


There is notable lack of experience and skills in certain areas of the project, potentially impacting the quality and completeness of promised features. While also time constraints due to team members other commitments, resulting in lower quality of features and reduced number of features designated within timeframe.


The team benefits from consistently well-organized and accessible external support, offering valuable opportunities to cultivate teamwork skills within a software development environment.


The presence of numerous other teams within the Future Factory course poses a competitive challenge, as the team aspires to distinguish its project amidst others.

Project progress is vulnerable to disruptions caused by individual team members' illness or communication breakdowns, as well as the risk of burnout due to poorly distributed tasks among team members.

1.6.2 Strategies


Team should continue to try and keep individuals in their comfort zone. To achieve most efficient form of work. If team member feels uncomfortable, it should be dealt with soon as possible in a meeting.


Time usage. Individual should use all their available time on Mondays and Fridays. Which in total is 16 hours of work. Goal is to use at least 20 hours a week towards the project. Meaning outside designated days, team members should use 4-5 hours of their own time towards the project.

To prevent burnout happening for individuals, teamwork is essential and to distribute workloads evenly within the team is important. To achieve this, each member of the team must communicate to the team when individual feels over worked or if the workload balance in the team is not optimal. Thus, options should be discussed with in the team.


Team members should utilize the support resources available in various Discord channels and familiarize themselves with the available documentation.


Effective communication within the team should be a priority, with individuals taking responsibility for promptly addressing any issues that arise and ensuring they are dealt with appropriately.

2. Project organization

2.1 Organization

Structure of Project Organization in MindMap form

uml diagram

2.2 Responsibilities and decision-making process

Project Group

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Aaro Kolu Team Leading Ca&Do
Son Hoang Developer Ca&Do
Jiahui Pan Tester Ca&Do
Sanni Rummakko Security Ca&Do
Petteri Heinola Operations Ca&Do
Ziyu Zhang Generalist Ca&Do

Group Leader:

Setting project goals, allocating tasks, facilitating communication, ensuring project milestones are met, and supporting team members in their roles.


Responsibilities: Developing software solutions, collaborating with cross-functional teams, debugging and optimizing code, following best coding practices.

Software Testing:

Designing and executing test plans, identifying and reporting bugs, collaborating with developers for issue resolution.

Cyber Security:

Conducting security assessments, implementing security measures, responding to security incidents, staying updated on security trends.


Overseeing system infrastructure, managing server configurations, troubleshooting operational issues, ensuring system availability and reliability.


Tackling various tasks, assisting in different aspects of the project, adapting to changing project needs.

Board Members

The management team constitutes elected representatives of the project group, instructors and the client. Other persons, such as experts, may also be invited to meet the management team meetings.

Name Responsibility Company/Community
Sini Karvonen Scrum Master Combitech Oy
Jarmo Luostarinen Scrum Master Combitech Oy
Reimo Parviainen Product Owner Combitech Oy
Narsu Scrum Master JAMK

Support Group

Duration of the project, team members has multiple support channels to get guidance. Readable documentation is provided, those include individual role support, general help how to work in software development environment. Additionally, team has access to multiple Discord channels where you can direct support from peer students, couches and peer couches also product owner is available in Discord.

2.3.Project Steps and Financial Objectives

Project Steps:

Project Initiation.

Scope of the objectives is to future improve previous project Tukko with as many features as were chosen, 15 in total. Some have been prioritized least to most important features to be developed. Additionally, team is here to learn how to work in project environment.

Goal is to improve Tukko project to future enhance the user experience by account creation, scalability to other Nordic countries Sweden and Norway while providing Swedish translation. Although Nordic scalability is least important features to be developed but will be developed if there is time available for them. Focus for the project is Infrastructure and Performance. In that area team has the most experience and knowledge. Project aims to making improvements to provide more tools for data analysing, making project more secure than previously and provide manual and automated testing.

Team members roles and responsibilities have been defined in section 2.2. Board members are responsible for clear communication between Scrum master and Project owner to the team ensuring clear direction of the project.

Requirements Gathering.

Combitech Oy requested multiple features to be implemented in the TUKKO project. The project owner recommended choosing 12 to 15 features or utilizing the "Product Owner's MVP Suggestion," which includes 12 features. Our team selected 15 features from 5 different EPIC categories based on personal interests and corresponding roles. Stakeholder feedback will be heard in a meeting, and changes to selected epics and features will be made as needed to ensure alignment with project objectives and stakeholder requirements.

Design and Planning.

Our team selected 15 features from 5 different EPIC categories based on personal interests and corresponding roles. But due to a lack of expertise in web development, the project's focus is on EPIC 05, with features developed around it.

1. EPIC 01 - User Interface and Accessibility:
- Features include improving dark mode colors and securely authenticating user accounts.
Due to the team's lack of expertise in this area, fewer features were chosen.

2. EPIC 02 - Data Analysis and Export:
- Features involve exporting data to CSV and calculating average traffic in chosen areas, selected based on personal interest.

3. EPIC 03 - Nordic Scalability:
- Features focus on scalability to Sweden and Norway while providing Swedish translation. Although deemed less important, these features will be developed last but are considered desirable to have, as decided by the entire team.

4. EPIC 04 - Security and Authentication:
- Features include security improvements to control access to servers and regular scans for known vulnerabilities, chosen based on personal interest.

5. EPIC 05 - Infrastructure and Performance:
- Features encompass containerization, automated build and development pipeline, logging and error tracking mechanisms, and maintainability, selected based on personal interest.

Additionally, two features were chosen for testing purposes, including manual testing and automated tests, aiming to enhance the project's testing capabilities.

Stakeholder feedback will be heard in a meeting, and changes to selected epics and features will be made as needed to ensure alignment with project objectives and stakeholder requirements.


Tools to be used are the same as what were used in TUKKO project.
Node.js, REACT, express.js, redis, rest api, vite, mongodb.

During implementation team uses GitLab as version control platform. During implementation individuals will work towards assigned features and are solely responsible for the quality and functionality of the feature. Once feature is implemented it will be checked by other members of the team. If any issues arise during the implementation those issues should be brought up in a meeting to try and solve them in a team level.

Testing and Quality Assurance.

Team has assigned Individual to be responsible for testing and quality assurance. All the features will go through manual or automated testing and quality assurance and test management gets final say whether the feature has been developed correctly. Specific testing and testing documentation to OPF will be provided for each developed feature.


Our web application, Tukko, is deployed on servers following a structured installation process. Below is a guide outlining the steps for Tukko server installation

Security Group Setup: Create a security group for the Tukko environment, such as "tukko," and add SSH and service ports 5173 and 3001 to it, making them accessible from anywhere.

Server Creation: Create a server using the Ubuntu 20.04 image and associate it with the previously created security group. Assign a floating IP address to the server and add SSH public keys to the instance.

Server Setup and Configuration:

  • Connect to the server via SSH and ensure it is up-to-date by running system updates.
  • Install the latest version of Docker by adding Docker CE repositories to the system.
  • Remove any artifacts of previous Docker installations and add Docker's GPG key.
  • Install Docker engine and add the current user to the Docker group to avoid using sudo for Docker commands.

Project Setup and Deployment:

  • Make a directory for the project and clone the required repositories for Tukko and its backend.
  • Configure environment variables in the .env file for both Redis and MongoDB settings.
  • Start the backend by running Docker Compose.
  • Configure environment variables in the frontend .env file and build the container.
  • Run the frontend container, mapping port 5173 to port 80.

This installation guide provides a structured approach to deploying Tukko on servers, in detailed documentation for the installation can be found here(link to pete documentation)

Monitoring and maintenance.

Team members will monitor and maintain software until a project is completed and delivered to customer.

Financial Objectives:

Project has no profit to be made and is purely for learning purposes, but project should focus on maintaining budget management and cost control, rather than profit generation.

Budget management.

Working hours are being tracked and workloads are being estimated for each feature in Excel spreadsheet. Weekly working hours for individual is around 20 or from 6 members of the team, in total around 1200 work hours to be recorded. Depending on which area they worked on should be billed according to price catalogue.

Project management €80/h
Server maintanance/administration €60/h
Familiarization €50/h
Planning/Design/Documentation €60/h
Implementation/testing €70/h
Testing Automation €70/h
Meetings €55/hour
Prices do not include 24% VAT.

Cost estimation is provided in Excel depending on which area individuals from the team have estimated.

Cost control.

For accurate cost control and estimation, the team has made an Excel(link to excel). This helps to keep track of the cost and how individuals have estimated the time usage for each task and feature. Spreadsheet should be examined weekly. If the predicted cost seems unreasonable, the team will investigate working hours and, in a meeting, to reevaluate the number of hours required for each task.

Resource Efficiency.

To ensure resource efficiency, team members are expected to dedicate approximately 20 hours per week to project-related tasks. Given the limited availability of time, it is crucial to maximize the productivity of each working hour. As such, Mondays and Fridays have been designated as priority days for project work, allowing for focused efforts to be directed towards project objectives. During Monday and Friday team will setup meetings, go through issues if any present, make recommendations and plans for the week.

2.4.Quality verification

Project details of our approach to ensuring the quality of our project deliverables. Our goal is to consistently deliver software that meets or exceeds customer expectations while adhering to industry best practices.


Project employ a variety of methods to verify the quality of our software throughout the development process. This includes thorough testing at multiple stages, including unit testing, integration testing, and acceptance testing. Additionally, we conduct code reviews to identify and address any issues early in the development cycle.


Team follows established industry best practices and internal quality guidelines to ensure consistency and reliability in our software. These standards cover areas such as code structure, documentation, and testing procedures.

Approval Procedures

Before any changes or new features are implemented, they undergo a structured approval process. This involves obtaining approvals from the project owner and Scrum Master to ensure alignment with project objectives and requirements. This collaborative approach ensures that proposed changes are thoroughly reviewed and evaluated by key project stakeholders, facilitating consensus and clarity regarding project direction.

Change Management

Project has a structured change management process in place to assess, approve, and track changes to project requirements, scope, or deliverables. This helps us manage changes effectively while minimizing disruptions to project timelines and budgets.


Comprehensive documentation is essential for maintaining the quality and integrity of our software. Project documents requirements, design specifications, test plans, and other relevant information to ensure clarity and consistency throughout the development process.


Regular reviews are conducted to evaluate the quality and effectiveness of our software. This includes peer reviews, where team members examine each other's work to identify potential issues and provide constructive feedback.

Risk Management

Project actively identify, assess, and mitigate risks that may impact the quality of our software. This includes addressing potential technical challenges, resource constraints, and external factors that could affect project outcomes

Other Complementary Plans

In addition to the above methods and procedures, we have complementary plans in place to support our quality verification efforts. This includes ongoing courses and development for team members, continuous improvement initiatives, and regular quality assurance audits to ensure compliance with our standards and objectives.

2.5.Communication and tracking of project progress

Getting Started

Team has received comprehensive documentation outlining the course and assignment details. Backlogs, including milestones, gates, issues, and user stories, have been duplicated into each team’s project environment. Dedicated role support is available on Discord, along with instructional materials, including videos. Additional Zoom meetings have been scheduled to provide further project insights.

Workspaces and Communications

Team members primarily work from home, communicating mainly through Discord, with Microsoft Teams serving as a secondary channel for daily scrum meetings. All other meetings are conducted on Discord.

Packaging Policy and Connection

The project implementation is housed within GitLab, providing a centralized repository for version control and collaborative development. GitLab serves as the primary platform for hosting project code, documentation, and related resources, ensuring accessibility and transparency for all team members.


Regular meetings are scheduled on Mondays and Fridays to facilitate team communication and collaboration. During these meetings, team members gather to discuss any issues, challenges, or progress updates related to the project. The meetings serve as a platform for exchanging ideas, resolving conflicts, and ensuring alignment towards project objectives.

Reporting and Information

The project utilizes GitLab's milestone, gates, and sprint features to track progress and organize tasks effectively. Each sprint is associated with specific milestones and contains a set of issues that must be completed within the sprint duration. Team members are responsible for addressing assigned issues and ensuring they are resolved within the designated sprint timeframe.

Project Folder

The project repository is located within the GitLab group section, providing a centralized location for all project-related documentation, source code, and resources. Team members can access the repository through GitLab, where they will find the following components: Documentation, Source code, assets and resources, issue tracking, CI/CD and version history.

2.6.The end of the project


The project's final deliverables will be transferred to the client or stakeholders in accordance with project specifications and agreements.


Project documentation and records will be meticulously organized and archived for future retrieval and reference.

Final Report

A detailed project report will be compiled, encapsulating the project's goals, outputs, successes, obstacles encountered, and insights gained throughout its lifecycle of three months.

3. Project's temporal Gates

3.1 Partitioning and Phase

GANT using PlantUML

uml diagram

To access the following links GitLab login and access to project git is required.

Milestone - Gate 0
Sprints 00 - 01

Assigment clear
The assignment is clearly understood by all team members, ensuring everyone is equipped to operate effectively within the project. The team is fully prepared and available to undertake assignments.

Team leader
A team leader has been selected through mutual agreement, and a suitable name has been chosen that all members approve of.

The project's working environment, consisting of OPF + SITES, is up and running smoothly, with both the project documentation and team's personal site accessible to everyone.

Updates have been made to the homepage, including an overall aesthetic refresh, addition of each member's picture, and the creation of optional unique pages.
Additionally, the status page has been regularly updated, with the current status documentation being refreshed on a weekly basis.

Milestone - Gate 1
Sprints 02 - 03
Offer ready for customer.
Team will reveal what they should be capable to deliver to customer. This includes few things to be ready for the review. Team introduction and Features should be planned and ready to be shown. Cost estimation and roadmap are optional. And price tag for the project should be included. Team introduction is done with short PowerPoint and introduce Mock-up of the project.

Project plan ready for review
Project plan documentation should be readily available for review for the customer, project owner and coaches. Project plan includes risk management, communication plan and project plan document.

Requirement Specification ready for review
Requirement Specification documentation should be readily available for review for the customer, project owner and coaches.

Preliminary test plan ready for review
Preliminary test plan documentation should be readily available for review for the customer, project owner and coaches.

Milestone - Gate 2
Sprints 04

Project status
Overview of the project's current status, including key milestones achieved and remaining.

Used resources and progress
Analysis of progress made in terms of completing tasks and deliverables according to schedule.

Problems and achievement
Identification and discussion of any obstacles, issues, or risks encountered during the project.

Milestone - Gate 3

Sprints 05 - 06

Project Final Report
Compilation of a comprehensive project final report documenting key aspects of the project's execution, outcomes, and lessons learned.

Final Management Team Meeting
The last management team meeting is scheduled for week x, marking the official conclusion of the project.

Project Organization Unloading
As part of the termination phase, the project organization is systematically unloaded or disbanded.

Final Project Closure
The termination phase culminates in the final closure of the project, marked by the submission of the project final report. This signifies the official end of project activities and the formal handover of project deliverables to stakeholders.

Milestone - Gate 4

Sprints 07

Produced solution ready for delivery
The solution is fully prepared for delivery, indicating that it has been developed, tested, and is now available for deployment to the client or end-users.

3.2 Project preliminary cost estimate

Presenting a cost estimate with a table:

Cost estimate

Feature Cost estimation

feature prices

4. Quality assurance

By diligently following these guidelines, the project team can establish and maintain effective quality assurance practices throughout the project lifecycle, ultimately leading to the delivery of a high-quality product.

  • Establishing Clear Working Flows.

Define the development process, coding standards, testing procedures and secure managements. At the first stage, the team has a meeting in which every member introduces their own role and main work inside the whole devloping process. Team members discuss how to process the development and how to cooperate with each other to make sure the development works smoothly and efficiently. Team members document their working process and share their progress instanly with others, to ensure that all team members adhere to them. This ensures consistency and streamlines the workflow.

  • Selecting Appropriate Tools.

Identify and select tools for project management, version control, issue tracking, and documentation. Leverage GitLab and Open Project Framework as the centralized platforms for managing test cases, plans, and results. This facilitates effective organization and collaboration.

  • Defining Instructions and Standards.

Through the team meeting, the group establish precise instructions and standards for development, testing, secure managements and documentation. Related members are responsible for the specific field. Clearly define coding conventions, testing methodologies,secure managing and documentation guidelines to maintain uniformity and uphold quality standards throughout the project.This procesure makes sure that all members inside the team are familiar with their tasks and clearly which level their work should reach to.

  • Compliance with Client and Industry Requirements.

Identify and incorporate specific client requirements and industry standards into the quality assurance processes. The group is going to keep in contact with the clients to make sure the services are conducted well. Ensure that the project team aligns with these requirements, fostering compliance and delivering a product that meets client expectations.

  • Implement Information and Version Management.

Set up an information and version management system to track and store project documents, including the project plan and test documentation. Clearly communicate the location of the latest versions to all project stakeholders, ensuring transparency and accessibility.

  • Monitoring and Reporting System.

Establish a systematic approach for monitoring project progress and reporting on quality metrics. Regularly review and analyze project performance against predefined goals. Utilize insights from testing efforts to make informed decisions and improvements. The group members are actively sharing their challenges and their reflections. The group has meetings on each Monday and Friday, providing a platform for groupers to communicate.

  • Emphasize Comprehensive Documentation.

Stress the importance of documenting all project activities, decisions, and changes. utilizing GitLab and Open Project Framework as central platforms for documenting test cases, plans, and results. The team leader and the generalist in the group will keep trach with each document edited by the members, to make sure the documentation is clear. This ensures a comprehensive, up-to-date repository of essential project information.

4.1 Approval of intermediate and results

The approval process for intermediate results in the project aligns with the collaborative development efforts. The following chain of approval ensures a systematic review and validation process for the project's intermediate results:

  • Ca&Do Team:

The team meetings in which every group member participtes are held on each monday and Friday. During the meeting, group members report their working outcome in the past one week. Then, groupers communicate with each other to make sure their collabrations are efficiently.

  • Development Team:

The development team is tasked with producing intermediate results, focusing on the implementation of the 60 features provided by Combitech Oy.

  • Testing Team:

The dedicated testing and QA team, verifies the quality and functionality of the implemented features. They employ various testing methodologies to ensure the results meet the required standards and specifications.

  • Team Leader:

The team leader oversees the overall progress of the project. They evaluate the intermediate results, reviewing the work done by the development and testing teams. The team leader ensures alignment with the project goals and objectives.

  • Product Owner:

The product owner acts as the primary stakeholder for the project. They review and approve the intermediate results to ensure alignment with the initial goals and objectives. The product owner is particularly focused on the features related to user interface and accessibility, data analysis and export, Nordic scalability, security, and authentication, and infrastructure and performance.

  • Combitech Oy:

The representative from Combitech Oy, serving as the client, plays a crucial role in the approval process. They review and approve the intermediate results from their perspective, ensuring that the implemented features align with their requirements and expectations outlined in the six epics: user interface and accessibility, data analysis and export, Nordic scalability, security and authentication, infrastructure, and performance.

This approval chain is designed to facilitate a comprehensive review at each stage of the development process, involving key stakeholders to guarantee the quality and accuracy of the intermediate results. It ensures that the development efforts are aligned with Combitech Oy's expectations and objectives for the Tukko - Traffic Visualizer project.

4.2 Manage changes

Effective change management is crucial for maintaining project success and ensuring that modifications to project practices or results are seamlessly integrated. Here's a comprehensive change management procedure:

  • Identifying potential changes

Establish a systematic process for identifying potential changes to project practices or results. Encourage team members, stakeholders, and project contributors to submit change requests through a designated channel.

  • Change-Request Documentation

Require the submission of formal change requests that clearly document the proposed modifications. Each change request should include details such as the nature of the change, reasons for the change, potential impacts, and any supporting documentation.

  • Change-Review Board (CRB)

Form a Change Review Board (CRB) consisting of key stakeholders, project managers, and subject matter experts. The CRB is responsible for evaluating and prioritizing change requests based on their impact, urgency, and alignment with project goals.

  • Impact Assessment

Conduct a thorough impact assessment for each proposed change. Evaluate the potential effects on project scope, timeline, budget, and quality. Assess the ripple effects on other project components and identify potential risks.

  • Communication Plan

Develop a comprehensive communication plan to keep all stakeholders informed about proposed changes, their status, and potential impacts. Transparent communication helps manage expectations and minimizes resistance to change.

  • Approval Process

Define a clear approval process outlining the criteria for approving or rejecting change requests. Specify the decision-making authority, whether it's the project manager, CRB, or other designated stakeholders. Obtain formal approvals before implementing changes.

  • Documentation Update

Update project documentation, including project plans, requirements, and specifications, to reflect approved changes. Ensure that all team members have access to the latest information to maintain consistency and alignment.

  • Training and Awareness

If the change impacts project practices or workflows, provide necessary training to team members. Raise awareness about the reasons behind the change and its benefits to foster a positive attitude toward the modifications.

  • Testing and Validation

If applicable, conduct testing and validation of the changes to ensure that they meet the desired outcomes. Implement a structured testing process to identify and address any unforeseen issues.

  • Rollback Plan

Develop a contingency plan or rollback strategy in case the implemented changes lead to unexpected issues or challenges. This plan should outline the steps to revert to the previous state if necessary.

  • Post-Implementation Review

After implementing the changes, conduct a post-implementation review to assess their effectiveness. Gather feedback from team members and stakeholders to identify any lessons learned and areas for improvement in the change management process.

  • Continuous Improvement

Continuously assess and improve the change management process based on feedback and experiences from each change. Implement lessons learned in subsequent changes to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of future modifications.

By implementing this change management procedure, project teams can ensure that alterations to project practices or results are well-controlled, well-communicated, and aligned with project objectives, ultimately contributing to project success.

4.3 Documentation

Documentation in the project includes

  • GitLab

  • Open Project Framework for test documentation

  • GitLab for maintaining the OPF project page

  • GitLab repository for version control and related purposes.

4.4 Risk management

In the risk management process, it is crucial to identify, evaluate, and address potential risks that may impact the project. Each risk is assigned a unique identifier for easy reference and management. The severity and probability of each risk are assessed, and proactive measures are considered to prevent or mitigate the most serious and likely risks. Additionally, a contingency plan is outlined for handling the risks if they materialize.

  • Technical Complexity

Description: The complexity of implementing certain technical features may exceed the team's expertise.
Severity: High
Probability: Medium
Prevention: Conduct thorough technical feasibility studies before committing to complex features. Allocate time for team training on unfamiliar technologies.
Contingency Plan: Establish a collaboration agreement with external experts for on-demand technical support.

  • API Unavailability

Description: Dependency on external APIs, especially Digitraffic, poses a risk of unavailability or disruptions.
Severity: Moderate
Probability: High
Prevention: Diversify API sources, implement caching mechanisms, and monitor API service status.
Contingency Plan: Have a backup API provider, implement error handling, and notify users of potential disruptions with alternative solutions.

  • Scope Creep

Description: There is a risk of uncontrolled expansion of project scope due to evolving requirements.
Severity: High
Probability: Medium
Prevention: Clearly define project scope in the initial stages and implement a robust change management process.
Contingency Plan: Evaluate the impact of requested changes on the project timeline and budget. Prioritize changes based on criticality.

  • Data Security

Description: Inadequate security measures may expose sensitive traffic data to unauthorized access.
Severity: High
Probability: Low
Prevention: Implement robust encryption protocols, conduct security audits, and ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
Contingency Plan: Activate incident response procedures, notify stakeholders, and implement corrective actions.

  • Stakeholder Misalignment

Description: Misalignment in expectations and priorities among stakeholders may lead to project delays or conflicts.
Severity: Moderate
Probability: Medium
Prevention: Conduct regular stakeholder meetings, define clear roles and responsibilities, and maintain open communication channels.
Contingency Plan: Address conflicts through mediation, reevaluate project goals, and adjust timelines if necessary.

This risk management plan will be regularly reviewed and updated throughout the project lifecycle to ensure its effectiveness in addressing emerging risks and uncertainties. The unique identifiers assigned to each risk will facilitate consistent and efficient handling in different project situations.

4.5 Reviewing Policy

The reviewing policy outlines the scheduled performance reviews for our project based on the established implementation plan. These reviews aim to assess the project's progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure alignment with the project's goals and objectives. The list of reviews, along with their tentative schedule, key focus areas, participants, and practices for delivering review materials, is detailed below:

  • Implementation Plan Review:

Purpose: Evaluate the adherence of project activities to the initial implementation plan.
Scheduled Time: weekly
Key Issues: Alignment with project milestones, resource allocation, and adherence to timelines.
Participants: Project Manager, Team Leads, and relevant stakeholders.
Review Material Delivery: Progress reports, Gantt charts, and task completion updates via the project management platform.

  • Milestone Achievement Review:

Purpose: Assess the completion of project milestones and deliverables.
Scheduled Time: Bi-weekly following milestone deadlines
Key Issues: Milestone completion status, challenges faced, and lessons learned.
Participants: Entire Project Team
Review Material Delivery: Milestone completion reports, documentation updates, and live demonstrations during team meetings.

  • Risk and Issue Review:

Purpose: Evaluate the identification, mitigation, and resolution of project risks and issues.
Scheduled Time: Weekly
Key Issues: Current risks, newly identified risks, and status of issue resolution.
Participants: Project Manager, Risk Management Team, and relevant stakeholders.
Review Material Delivery: Risk registers, issue logs, and updated mitigation plans shared on the project management platform.

  • Quality Assurance Review:

Purpose: Ensure adherence to quality standards and project objectives.
Scheduled Time: Bi-monthly
Key Issues: Compliance with coding standards, testing outcomes, and adherence to quality control measures.
Participants: Quality Assurance Team, Development Team Leads, and Project Manager.
Review Material Delivery: Test reports, code reviews, and quality assurance metrics shared on the project management platform.

  • Change Management Review:

Purpose: Assess the impact and effectiveness of implemented changes.
Scheduled Time: As needed following significant changes.
Key Issues: Impact on project scope, timeline, and budget.
Participants: Change Management Team, Project Manager, and relevant stakeholders.
Review Material Delivery: Change requests, impact assessments, and post-implementation reports.

  • Project Closure Review:

Purpose: Evaluate overall project success and lessons learned.
Scheduled Time: At the end of the project.
Key Issues: Achievement of project goals, overall performance, and areas for improvement.
Participants: Entire Project Team, Stakeholders, and Project Manager.
Review Material Delivery: Project summary reports, lessons learned documentation, and feedback surveys.
Reviewing Material Delivery Practices: all stakeholders

All review materials will be shared through the designated project management platform, ensuring accessibility and transparency. Live demonstrations and presentations will be conducted during team meetings for a more interactive review process. Regular updates and notifications will be sent to participants in advance to ensure preparedness for each review. This reviewing policy aims to create a structured and efficient framework for assessing project performance, fostering continuous improvement throughout the project lifecycle. Regular reviews contribute to the project's success by identifying and addressing challenges in a timely manner.

4.6 Complementary plans for the project plan

4.7 Plans for review and updating

The project plan is a dynamic document that responds to deviations and environmental changes, ensuring alignment with project goals and objectives. The following plans outline the scheduled reviews and updates to maintain the relevance and accuracy of the project plan:

  • Regular Project Plan Review:

The project review occurs on a weekly basis with the purpose of assessing the current status in relation to the initial plan and pinpointing any deviations, risks, or unforeseen challenges. The evaluation encompasses key elements such as project milestones and timelines, resource allocation and availability, budget utilization, as well as the maintenance of risk and issue logs, and the consideration of change requests and their impacts. During this review process, any identified deviations or required adjustments are meticulously documented, and subsequently, the project plan undergoes revisions accordingly. The updated versions of the project plan are then effectively communicated to all stakeholders to ensure everyone is informed and aligned with the latest developments.

  • Milestone Achievement and Progress Review:

The project undergoes a bi-weekly assessment with the primary purpose of evaluating the accomplishment of project milestones and overall progress. The overarching goal is to verify that the project remains on course to meet its objectives. Key elements considered during these reviews include the status of milestone completions, updates on task completion, and the identification of any bottlenecks or delays. To facilitate the updating process, milestone completion reports and progress updates are thoroughly reviewed during the bi-weekly assessments. Any necessary adjustments identified through this review are then integrated into the project plan, ensuring that it remains dynamic and aligned with the evolving needs and challenges of the project.

  • Risk and Issue Management Review:

On a weekly basis, the project undergoes an evaluation process with the specific purpose of assessing the identification, mitigation, and resolution of project risks and issues. The overarching goal is to ensure a proactive response to emerging challenges. Key elements considered during these weekly reviews encompass the current status of identified risks, any newly identified risks, and the progress made in resolving project issues. As part of the updating process, any changes in the status of risks or issues are meticulously documented. Mitigation plans are subsequently updated to reflect the evolving circumstances, and the project plan is adjusted to incorporate the revised risk management strategy. This ensures a continuous and responsive approach to managing risks and issues throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Change Management Review:

The project undergoes reviews on an as-needed basis, particularly following significant changes, with the primary purpose of assessing the impact and effectiveness of implemented changes. The overarching goal is to ensure that these changes align with the project objectives. Key elements considered during these reviews include the assessment of the impact on project scope, timeline, and budget, as well as gathering stakeholder feedback on the implemented changes and identifying lessons learned. In the updating process, change requests, along with their documented impacts and post-implementation reports, are rigorously reviewed. Necessary adjustments to the project plan are then made to incorporate any insights gained from the assessment, ensuring that the project remains adaptable and aligned with its objectives in light of significant changes.

  • Project Closure Planning:

Initiated in the final stages of the project, a comprehensive review process is undertaken to prepare for the conclusion of the project. The purpose of this review is to thoroughly examine achievements, assess overall performance, and identify areas for improvement. Key elements incorporated into this review include a comprehensive analysis of project goals and objectives, an assessment of project achievements, lessons learned throughout the project lifecycle, and feedback from stakeholders. In the updating process, a detailed project closure report is generated, capturing valuable insights derived from the reviews and assessments conducted in the final stages of the project. The final project plan is then updated to reflect the outcomes of the closure review, ensuring a comprehensive and reflective approach as the project concludes.

  • Check Point: Quarterly

The overarching purpose is to guarantee that the updating frequency of the project plan remains both adequate and responsive to the evolving dynamics of the project. This involves a continual assessment to determine whether more frequent reviews are warranted, especially in response to changes in project complexity and the external environment. By diligently adhering to these reviewing and updating plans, the project team actively ensures that the project plan serves as a reliable guide throughout the entire project lifecycle. This approach allows for the necessary adaptability to changes while steadfastly maintaining alignment with the overarching project objectives. Regular reviews and adjustments become integral to the project management process, promoting agility and strategic alignment.

4.8 Project Suspension Criteria

The Right Project Plan also includes the project's suspension criteria.However, these are not used in student projects because projects use a certain number of hours to make a result and the result will be released as it is at the end of the course.However, the project team makes a further development plan that a potential new project continues.

5. Communication and tracking of project progression (communication plan)

5.1 Communication Plan

The Communication Plan outlines the methods, channels, and tools to be used for effective communication within Project X. Clear and consistent communication is vital for conveying information and influencing the successful implementation of the project's quality objectives. This plan will be referred to as a [subpage] within the project documentation.

  • Workspaces and Communication Tools:

The project management platform of choice is GitLab, serving as the primary tool for collaboration, issue tracking, and version control. Open Project Framework is employed for collaborative workspaces, document sharing, and comprehensive project documentation. To facilitate regular communication, virtual team meetings are conducted using video conferencing tools, with Teams and Discord being the preferred choice. A recurring schedule is established to maintain consistent communication among team members.Additionally, Discord channels are employed for daily communication, disseminating important announcements, and distributing documentation.

  • Feedback Policy and Communication:
    General, Time-tracking, and Important-links Channels are establishedon Discord, creating a platform for team members to openly get information and give feedback. Emphasis is placed on constructive communication within all feedback and discussions. Team members are encouraged to engage in respectful communication, focusing on solutions and improvement rather than assigning blame. This approach aims to cultivate a positive and active feedback culture within the team, promoting continuous improvement and collaboration.

  • Reporting and Information Sharing:

Group meetings are taken on Teams on Monday and Friday monrning in each week. Every group member participates in these meetins and report their working progress, including a comprehensive summary of achievements, challenges, and upcoming milestones. Project milestones and achievements are celebrated through dedicated announcements on the project platform and during team meetings. Sub-Group meetings are weekly taken on Monday and Friday afternoon in which different task group discuss their issues separately.

6. The end of the project

6.1 Delivery of the end product, introduction

Our project, centered around enhancing a data visualization service on maps, is approaching its final phase. We will deliver a thoroughly documented product introduction, covering installation and commissioning details. The upgraded service allows users to select vehicle types and timescales, with our team adding even more features. To ensure a smooth transition, we're developing a tailored training plan, ensuring our customer maximizes the potential of the enhanced service. Additionally, we'll provide an installation plan for seamless deployment, considering the unique aspects of the customer's environment. A deployment plan will guide the integration of new features, ensuring an efficient implementation.Our commitment is not just to deliver a product but to provide a comprehensive solution, setting the stage for a successful partnership with our valued customer.

6.2 Taxation of the project produced by the project, archiving and retention period

The taxation of the project output, archiving, and retention period are essential considerations for effective project management. The disadvantaged portion of the document group is currently stored in the X system. Collaboratively with the assistant, decisions can be reached on which documents are transferable to future projects. Typically, different plans and the final report constitute the most relevant documents for such continuity. The archiving and retention period will be aligned with organizational policies, ensuring the preservation of valuable insights and information for future reference and improvement.

6.3 Official termination of the project

The official conclusion of our project will be determined by clearly defined criteria, including the expiration of the project contract, completion of deliverables, customer acceptance, or the end of the warranty period. These agreed-upon termination conditions will be communicated transparently and strictly adhered to, ensuring a well-defined and mutually agreed-upon conclusion to the project.

6.4 Termination

To commemorate the project's conclusion, we propose organizing a joint closure seminar or event. This gathering will serve as a platform for project participants to come together and reflect on the achievements of the project. Taking inspiration from Finnish traditions, we suggest considering a sauna event, known for its celebratory and team-building aspects. This unique and enjoyable activity can add a memorable touch to the project closure, fostering a positive and collaborative atmosphere among the team.

6.5 Project Final Report

The conclusive management team meeting will mark the preparation of the project's final report. This comprehensive document will succinctly encapsulate the project's objectives, outcomes, challenges, lessons learned, and recommendations for future endeavors. Functioning as a vital source of information and insights, the report will benefit stakeholders and contribute significantly to organizational knowledge and improvement.