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Risk Management Plan

List the risks, assess their severity and probability, and try to consider measures on how the most serious / probable risks could be prevented in advance. In addition, it would be good to have a plan of how to act if the risk materializes. Attach the following section here:

Record the risks to the project in the table below and maintain them as needed. Each risk is given a unique identifier, eg RIS007, as this facilitates their handling in different situations.

RISK ID Description Severity Responsible Action
#1 Team member gets the flu 2 Team member Inform the team leader
#2 Scope creep 3 Team Leader Hold a meeting with stakeholders to reassess project scope and make necessary adjustments.
#3 Key team member leaves the project 2 Team Leader Assess the impact on the project, redistribute responsibilities, and consider recruitment or knowledge transfer if necessary.
#4 Lack of sufficient testing or quality assurance 1 Tester Review and improve testing processes, allocate dedicated resources for quality assurance, and conduct thorough testing at all stages.
#5 Poor communication within the team 3 Team Leader Promote open and transparent communication channels, encourage active listening, and address any communication gaps promptly.
#6 Changes in project requirements or objectives 2 Team Leader Conduct impact analysis, engage stakeholders for requirement clarification, and adjust project plans accordingly.
#7 Inadequate expertise or skill gaps in the chosen technologies 1 Team Leader Assess the skill requirements, provide training or external resources to bridge the skill gaps, and ensure continuous learning and improvement within the team.
#8 Dependencies on deprecated or unsupported technologies 2 Team Leader Monitor technology lifecycles, plan for necessary upgrades or migrations, and develop contingency plans in case of unexpected issues with deprecated technologies.
#9 Stakeholder conflicts 3 Team Leader Facilitate open communication, mediate conflicts, and involve higher management if necessary.
#10 Insufficient resources or budget constraints 3 Team Leader Reallocate resources, identify cost-saving measures, or negotiate for additional resources to meet project requirements.

Severity descriptions

The severity class should be defined according the project

Severity class Description
1 Force Major - Total show stopper
2 Possible
3 No immediate affect, to be observed