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Test case: Count average traffic in chosen area FEA204

Test Case ID FEA204
Test case designer ziyu zhang
Creation date 19.02.2024
Revising date 01.03.2024
Classification functional
Origin Feature 204

Test description / objective

  • Purpose
    The purpose of this test is to ensure that the system allows users to choose an area on the traffic map, count the traffic information inside the selected area, and accurately calculate the average traffic.

  • Methodology
    This testing case is written before writting the codes.
    'Test Driven Development Definition', which is known as TDD. It is a coding methodology where tests are written before the coding is written. Its goals are helping developers know when something breaks, where the breaks are and if the whole system is working correctly. Different from the assembly-link working flow (working-building-testing), TDD forces the developers tp prioritize tasks: step1 choose something to work on; step2 write tests that would pass if product works; step3 keep building until tests pass.


  1. The application is installed.

  2. The application is accessible.

  3. Traffic data is available on the map.

  4. Vector selecting tools are available.

  5. The user is able to select a specific area with the provided tools.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Navigate to traffic map Go to the traffic map section of the application
2. Select an area Use the provided tools (vectors, rectangles, or polygons) to select a specific area on the map
3. Initiate traffic count Trigger the traffic counting process for the selected area
4. Verify traffic count Check that the system accurately counts the traffic information within the selected area; Verify that the counted traffic data is displayed or stored appropriately.
5. Calculate average Traffic Ensure that the system calculates the average traffic based on the counted data within the selected area.
6. Display average traffic Confirm that the calculated average traffic is displayed to the user.


  1. The selected area is clearly defined on the map.

  2. The traffic count is accurate for the chosen area.

  3. The system displays or stores the counted traffic information appropriately.

  4. The average traffic for the selected area is calculated and displayed.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:
  1. The selected area is accurately defined on the map.

  2. The traffic count is accurate for the chosen area.

  3. The system correctly calculates and displays the average traffic.

  4. The test steps are completed without critical issues.

  • FAIL condition:
  1. The selected area is not accurately defined on the map.

  2. The traffic count is inaccurate or not performed successfully.

  3. The system fails to calculate or display the average traffic.

  4. Any step in the test case encounters critical errors or issues.

Additional Considerations

  1. Ensure that the test is performed with different types of areas (rectangles, polygons) to cover all possibilities.

  2. Validate that the average traffic is correctly calculated, considering various traffic data scenarios.

  3. Check for any performance issues or delays during the traffic counting and calculation process.