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Test case: Export data to csv from the database FEA201

Test Case ID 201
Test case designer Aaro Kolu
Creation date 4.3.2024
Classification Functional
Origin Feature

Test description / objective

The purpose of the test is to verify the implementation of the "Export data to csv from the database" feature to ensure it aligns with the planned functionality.


Ensure that the system is running and the user has appropriate permissions to export data.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Navigate to the data export feature. The data export feature should be accessible from the user interface.
2. Select the desired data to export. Ensure that the user can select the data they want to export.
3. Choose the export format as CSV. The option to export data in CSV format should be available.
4. Initiate the export process. Check that the export process starts without errors.
5. Download the exported CSV file. The user should be able to download the CSV file containing the exported data.


The exported CSV file should contain the selected data in the desired format, ready for use.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: The exported CSV file contains the selected data accurately and in the expected format.
  • FAIL CONDITION: The exported CSV file is empty, contains incorrect data, or is not in the specified format.