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Test case: FEA303 Traffic situation in Norway

Test Case ID FEA303
Test case designer ziyu zhang
Creation date 03.04.2024
Classification functional
Origin Feature304

Test description / objective

To verify that the integration of Norway into the traffic map fuctionality meets the expected requirements and provides users a seamless experience.


  1. The web application works well.
  2. The traffic map is configured to include both Finland and Norway.
  3. The API is connected and provides simulated real-time traffic data for Norway.
  4. Map tools and user interface components are properly set up.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Launch Application Open the application and navigate to the traffic section.
2. Explore Traffic Map Interact with the traffic map to explore real-time traffic information, verifying that the map responds nicely.
3. Select Norway Region Choose Norway as the region to view live traffic data, ensuring that the map updates to display the traffic situation in various regions of Norway.
4. Verify Data Accuracy check that the traffic intensity, road conditions, and other detailes align with the expected values.
5. Network Connection Test Verify that the system displays an appropriate error message and guides the user to check their network connection.
6. Data Retrieval Failure Test Verify that the system displays an error message informing the user about the data retrieval issue and suggesting they try again later.
7. Map Rendering Issue Test Simulate a senario where there are problems rendering the map or displaying traffic information.


  1. Comprehensive traffic map.
    The application offers a comprehensive traffic map that covers both Finland and Norway.
  2. Accurate traffic information.
    The displayed traffic information is accurate and aligned with the expected values, providing users with reliable insights into road condition.
  3. Robust and reliable system.
    The system demonstrates robustness and reliability by successfully addressing and handling potential exceptions and issues, ensuring a stable and error free operation.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition:
  1. The user can smoothly explore and interact with the traffic map.
  2. Norway is successfully added as a region on the Tukku Map.
  3. The map updates with live traffic data of Norway.
  4. Ths displayed traffic information aligns with expected values and is accurate.
  5. The system display an error message about data retrieval issues and suggests trying again later.
  6. The system displays error message about the rendering issues and suggests potential solutions.
  • FAIL CONDITION: 1. The map is unresponsive or exhibits unexpected behavior.
    2. Norway is not added successfully.
    3. The map doesnt update as expected.
    4. Traffic data is inaccurate ot inconsistent.
    5. No error message is displayed when some errors happen.