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Test case: FEA302 Traffic situation in Sweden

Test Case ID TC001
Test case designer Son
Creation date 15.03.2024
Classification Functional
Origin Requirement/Feature FEA302

Test description / objective

The objective of this test is to thoroughly evaluate the implementation of the real-time traffic updates feature to ensure it meets the specified requirements. The test aims to determine if the system accurately provides real-time traffic updates, suggests alternative routes in case of congestion, and offers a user-friendly interface for accessing this information.


  • The system is fully operational and accessible to the user.
  • Real-time traffic data is available for testing.
  • The user has a device with internet access and the necessary permissions to access the system.

Test Steps

Step 1:

  • Open the web application or mobile app that provides real-time traffic updates.

  • Verify that the user can easily navigate to the page or interface dedicated to traffic updates.

Step 2:

  • Navigate to the section where real-time traffic updates are displayed.

  • Press the "Refresh" or "Update" button to trigger a real-time update.

Step 3: Verify that the updated traffic information includes:

  • Current traffic conditions (e.g., congestion, accidents, road closures).

  • Estimated travel times.

  • Possible delays and their causes.

  • Recommendations for alternative routes, if applicable.

  • Ensure that the information is presented clearly and in a user-friendly manner.

Step 4: Test the functionality of the alternative routes feature:

  • Create a scenario where the primary route is congested or closed.
  • Verify that the system suggests alternative routes based on real-time data and updates these suggestions as the situation changes.
  • Check if the alternative routes provided are viable and efficient.

Step 5:

  • Interact with the user interface to explore additional features such as zooming in/out of the map, selecting specific areas for detailed information, and adjusting preferences.
  • Verify that the interface is responsive and intuitive, allowing users to easily access and interpret the traffic updates.


After completing the test, the user should have:

  • Received accurate real-time traffic updates.
  • Been provided with relevant alternative routes in case of congestion or road closures.
  • Found the user interface to be user-friendly, intuitive, and responsive.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

PASS condition: - The user can access the traffic updates page/interface easily. - The updated traffic information is comprehensive, accurate, and clearly presented. - The system suggests viable alternative routes based on real-time data. - The user interface is intuitive, responsive, and provides additional features for user convenience.

FAIL CONDITION: - The user encounters difficulties in accessing the traffic updates page/interface. - The updated traffic information is incomplete, inaccurate, or difficult to understand. - The system fails to suggest alternative routes or provides irrelevant suggestions. - The user interface is unresponsive, confusing, or lacks essential features for easy navigation and interaction.