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Test case: Control access to the server

Test Case ID TC407
Test case designer Sanni Rummakko
Creation date 17.03.2024
Classification Security
Origin FEA407

Test description / objective

The objective of this test is to verify the implementation of controlling access to the server according to the planned specifications.


Make sure the server is configured and available for testing.

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Access server login page Ensure the login page is accessible
2. Attempt to access restricted server resources without appropriate permissions Make sure that access is denied
3. Attempt to access server resources with appropriate permissions Verify that access is granted
4. Log out from the server Confirm successful logout


The server should have controlled access, allowing only authorized users to access restricted resources while denying unauthorized access.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  1. PASS condition: The server successfully controls access, granting access to authorized users and denying access to unauthorized users.

  2. FAIL condition: The server fails to control access, either allowing unauthorized access to restricted resources or denying access to authorized users.