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Test case: Test Scaling and error resilience in containerization platform

Test Case ID TX501
Test case designer Petteri Heinola
Creation date 22.2.2024
Classification eg: functional
Origin FEA505

Test description / objective

Purpose of this test is to verify that application scales as intended and resists application errors.


Service is up and running and is configured to be scaled

Test Steps

Step Verify Some notes
1. Crash one container Ensure that new containers takes its place
2. Ensure that multiple containers are running and are accessible from gateway -
3. Simulate multiplate users to overload application Ensure that containers are created according to volume of requests
4. Stop traffic to application Verify that excess containers are destroyed

After the test, service should've been accessible to all simulated users, and multiple containers should've been created and destroyed in the process.

Determination of test result (Pass / Fail Criteria)

  • PASS condition: All steps are completed succesfully and system stays responsive during testing
  • FAIL CONDITION: System crashes or fails to create additional containers during testing.