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Use Case - Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities

  • Author: Sanni Rummakko
  • Date / Version: 1.0

User roles

  1. Security person: Responsible for initiating and managing security scans.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. Tukko's systems are accessible for scanning.
  2. Appropriate tools are defined in the security check tool.

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. Security person initiates a security scan for known vulnerabilities in Tukko's systems.
  2. The security scanning tool scans Tukko's systems for known security vulnerabilities.
  3. Produce a report detailing the vulnerabilities identified, including their severity, descriptions and potential impact.
  4. Security person reviews the scan results to prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation based on severity and potential impact on Tukko's security posture.
  5. If necessary, the security person develops a remediation plan to address identified vulnerabilities.


  • E1: The security scanning tool encounters technical issues or errors during the scan process, preventing it from completing successfully.

  • E2: The scan results are incomplete or inaccurate due to unexpected factors, such as network interruptions or false positives.


  • The expected outcome of a use case is a full report detailing the vulnerabilities identified, allowing the security person to prioritise and address them effectively.

Use frequency

  • The use case is executed regularly, typically on a scheduled basis, to ensure continuous monitoring and mitigation of security risks in Tukko's systems.

Additional information

  • It is essential to review and update the scanning process regularly to adapt to changing security threats and technology landscapes.

  • The security scanning tool's configurations, such as scan schedules and target systems, should be documented and maintained for consistency and repeatability.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.