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Use Case of FEA515

  • Author: Jiahui Pan
  • Date / Version: 19/02/2024

User roles

  1. Developer: Responsible for implementing automated tests for both frontend and backend code.
  2. Tester: Responsible for implementing Robot Framework and browser libraries for testing.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The web application source code must be accessible.
  2. Testing environments for both frontend and backend must be set up.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. The developer accesses the source code of the frontend and backend components.
  2. They identify the critical functionalities and components to be tested.
  3. The developer writes automated test scripts using appropriate testing frameworks such as Jest for frontend (e.g., React, Angular) and Mocha for backend (e.g., Node.js).
  4. The tests cover various scenarios, including positive and negative cases, edge cases, and integration tests.
  5. The developer ensures that the automated tests are integrated into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous testing.
  6. Continuous monitoring and maintenance of the test suite are performed to adapt to changes in the application.


  • E1: Inability to access the source code or testing environments.

  • E2: Framework compatibility issues or limitations in writing automated tests.


  • The expected result is a comprehensive suite of automated tests covering both frontend and backend components, integrated into the CI/CD pipeline for continuous testing and deployment.

Use frequency

  • This use case is executed regularly throughout the development lifecycle, especially during feature development and regression testing phases.

Additional information

  • It's essential to document the test cases, including their purpose, input data, expected outcomes, and actual results, for future reference and troubleshooting.
  • Collaboration between developers and testers is crucial to ensure effective test coverage and identify potential areas for improvement in the testing process.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.