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Use Case of FEA516

  • Author: Jiahui Pan
  • Date / Version: 19/02/2024

User roles

  1. Tester: Responsible for conducting manual testing.
  2. Product Owner: Initiates and oversees the manual testing process.
  3. Developer: Receives feedback from manual testing for bug fixes and improvements.

Prerequisites / Conditions

  1. The application under test should be deployed in a testing environment.
  2. Test scenarios and test cases should be defined.

Use Case Diagram

uml diagram

Description of use case -eg. Modify existing request

  1. The Product Owner initiates the manual testing process by assigning test cases to the Tester.
  2. The Tester conducts manual testing by executing predefined test scenarios and test cases, exploring various functionalities and features of the application.
  3. During testing, the Tester identifies defects, usability issues, and potential improvements.
  4. The Tester documents the test results, including observed issues and feedback.
  5. The Tester communicates the findings to the Product Owner and Developer for review and action.
  6. The Developer receives feedback from the Tester and addresses identified issues through bug fixes or feature enhancements.


  • E1: If critical defects are identified during testing, the Tester immediately notifies the Product Owner and Developer for urgent resolution.

  • E2: If the testing environment is unstable or inaccessible, the testing process may be delayed or postponed.


  • The expected result of the use case is to improve the quality, reliability, and usability of the application through thorough manual testing, resulting in bug fixes and enhancements.

Use frequency

  • The manual testing use case is executed periodically during the development lifecycle, typically before major releases, after significant changes, or as part of regression testing.

Additional information

  • Manual testing complements automated testing efforts and provides valuable insights into the user experience and application behavior in real-world scenarios. Test documentation and feedback are essential for continuous improvement and maintaining the quality of the software product.


This wiki-document is based on the The public administration recommendations

Thans to the original authors.