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Release Note for Tukko_Rel_V1.1_Demo_15042024

Release Date



Swedish translation has been implemented and security measures have been improved with regular scans. Additional features are close to finishing but are not ready for review before demo release date.

New Features

Finished Features

  • FEA304: Swedish Translation. Swedish persons who don't speak enlgish can use the software.
  • FEA403: Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities. Detect documented security weaknesses in software, configurations, or systems, alerting administrators for mitigation.

On going Features

  • FEA106: Dark mode Improvements.
  • FEA201 Export data to csv from the database.
  • FEA204: Count average traffic in a chosen area.
  • FEA506: Implement automated build and deployment pipeline

Enhancements and benefits

  • Enhancement 1: Swedish Transation:
    • Laungage Accessibility: Expands the accessebility to future user base increasing engagement.
    • Imporved user experience: Users now can navigate comfortably with the software using their native language.
  • Benefits 1: Swedish Translation:
    • Increase in Adaption: Software becomes more appealing to Swedish speakers.
    • Enhanced Communication: Users can understand content better.
  • Enhancement 2: Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities:
    • Proactive Security: Actively scans for known security vulnerabilities, enhancing its ability to identify and address potential threats before they can be exploited.
    • Automated Detection: Minimizing the need for manual intervention and ensuring timely identification of potential risks.
  • Benefits 2: Regularly scan for known security vulnerabilities:
    • Improved Security: Reducing the likelihood of successful cyberattacks.

Known Issues

  • Issue 1: FEA201: Exporting not working at the moment. When attempting to make a request using Axios, an error occurs with the message "Request aborted". The error object includes the code "ECONNABORTED", indicating that the request was aborted. This issue typically arises due to a timeout or network problem.
  • Issue 2: FEA506: The backend_url environment variable dependency poses a challenge, particularly during the build phase of the frontend. This requires the backend IP address to be hardcoded into the JavaScript files, hindering the desired container environment independence. The goal is to leverage Docker's capability to define all variables at runtime, as exemplified by the command:

    docker run tukko-registry/tukko-frontend:latest -e VITE_BACKEND_URL=http://my_tukko_backend:5173

    Currently, each container must be individually built for all possible instances, complicating deployment and maintenance.

    Potential Workaround:

    One workaround is to specify the backend URL only in the pipeline configuration. However, any changes to the backend address would necessitate rebuilding all frontend containers, rendering the existing ones non-functional. This workaround addresses the immediate challenge but doesn't entirely eliminate the need for hardcoded backend URLs in the frontend during the build process.

  • Issue 3: FEA204: Tukko components lack specific definitions for rectangles; most are in triangle, circular, and polygon shapes. However, the map tools include options for rectangles, polygons, and circles. Attempting to incorporate triangles and rectangles into the polygon component proved challenging due to the polygon's other potential configurations, such as irregular shapes.

    Potential Workaround: The proposed solution is to add rectangles to the components. However, there are coding limitations preventing this addition, though the exact reason for this limitation remains unclear.

  • Issue 4: FEA204: It is hard to count the area of strange shape. Consider consulting a math teacher or abandoning the task altogether.

  • Issue 5: FEA204: Check if the marker is inside the selected area or outside the selected area.

    Potential Workaround: In React, the plan involves iterating through each marker's (station) coordinates, comparing their distance to the center of the circle with a given radius. If the distance is shorter than the radius, the sum of its two sensor values is calculated. Otherwise, the marker is excluded.


Team Leader: Aaro Kolu AC9761
General: Ziyu Zhang AD2477
OPS: Petteri Heinola AD1798
Tester: Jiahui Pan AE8278
Security: Sanni Rummakko AC4549
Developer: Son Hoang AE8503